Cloudkill One of the more infamous D&D spells because, like its little brother Stinking Cloud, it has been inspiring nerds to make fart jokes for fifty years. And, like a fart, it is inescapable and travels along with its creator. But, in the words of TV knife celebrity Doug Marcaida, will it kill ? You bet your beans it will. It lasts for ten minutes, too! This is actually a pretty effective spell, and even has the advantage of ease, cheapness, and mobility over its technological equivalent (presumably a canister of mustard gas or some such). Real-World Rating 8 (Very Effective) Color Spray Kind of a confusing debuff, this causes blindness in opponents based on their number of hit points for some reason. Look, folks, I'm going to level with you: This spell is extremely gay. It's so gay that its main utility would be renting it out for use at discos. It's a rainbow that you shoot out of your fingers, causing people to be dazzled in directly inverse proportion ...