Dominate Beast Whether or not this is a good spell depends on what you're trying to get out of it. If the idea is to befriend an animal, this one is a good shortcut to spending several months training it, although, really, what are you going to do with a trained animal beyond being friends with it? You came to a world without magic to win , not to make friends! With a bear! If the idea is to neutralize an animal that might otherwise be a threat, though, just shoot it*. Real-World Rating: 5 (Effective But Limited) Dominate Monster Ain't no monsters. Ain't nothin' to dominate. Real-World Rating : 1 (Worthless) Dominate Person As a front-door mind control spell, this isn't bad; as a back-door mind control spell, it's even better. This does the same basic thing the other Dominate spell, but there's a way to short-circuit your target into total meat-puppet mode. It doesn't last very long, and there's a Save vs. Wisdom, but there's never a bad way to...